When I was pregnant with Eric I had morning sickness for the entire nine months, although it eased off a little after four months. When I was pregnant with Jari, it started all over again. This time I had a different doctor, Dr. French, a woman. At my third month check-up, she asked me why I hadn’t come in as soon as the morning sickness started. I told her my doctor for Eric hadn’t been able to help and I assumed there was nothing that could be done. She prescribed 30,000 units of vitamin A every day, and the morning sickness stopped almost immediately. This vitamin A was a doctors prescription. Maybe back in those years one needed a prescription to make sure of acquiring the best quality. After two months I was to cut back to 10,000 units and increased the amount only if the nausea returned.
I never had morning sickness again. I include this only for someone who might need help with the same problem.