Shortly after our marriage, Bob thought it would be a good idea to buy a house in Port Townsend.
Shortly after our marriage, Bob thought it would be a good idea to buy a house in Port Townsend.
After the whole thing was gutted, Bob said with a grin of satisfaction, “NOBODY is gonna rent this house now!” Things were looking up! It was time for remodeling.
Bob and I had already decided that when we did start remodeling, the first step would be to add a basement, so after removing the east section of the porch, a basement was the next step.
One interesting thing that happened during the basement construction was that the old plumbing waste line wasn’t deep enough to service the basement, so a new one was required. To do this, there had to be a new deeper ditch…
We called the city utility office and asked if they knew where our water line was. They said that they would send someone over.
As soon as the basement walls were completed and the basement floor slab poured, with the bathroom still suspended in space off the kitchen, I added two new bathrooms: one in the walk-in closet adjoining the master bedroom, and the…
I like big porches so I didn’t attempt to restore the original porch.
Kitchens and their related spaces have always been my favorite part of a house.
In the early years I couldn’t afford to build the inglenook of my design, but I wanted a fireplace in the kitchen, so I installed a metal “unit” fireplace across the northwest corner.
There is a story about the fireplace tile.
When I put the stairway to the basement inside the original back porch, there was about two feet of space remaining between it and the kitchen wall. I decided to use it as a bar opening into the kitchen.
CATEGORY: PORT TOWNSEND HOUSEPHOTOS: FINISHED INGLENOOK AND INGLENOOK CONSTRUCTION LOOKING STRAIGHT INTO THE INGLENOOK As stated before, I turned the original six foot wide back porch into a kitchen inglenook with a fireplace in the middle and upholstered sofas on…
I had not supported the roof because the porch was in a corner and I assumed the end roof joist was nailed to the side of the house.
Clif performed another helpful miracle.
The only base cabinets I wanted in my new kitchen were across the east end of the kitchen. They were made of cedar and had antique details.
After finishing the kitchen, I replaced the original walls in the living part of the house so the entry hall, dining room and parlor were restored.
The last fall that I lived in my Port Townsend house, I planted 2700 crocus bulbs in the circle in my back yard.