There was a house. It was a small white house with a porch across the front.
There was a house. It was a small white house with a porch across the front.
In Dayville, we lived in a house on a hill. It had a porch across the front that looked down on the town. It was in this house that Mary and I found a box of matches.
CATEGORY: EARLY CHILDHOOD PHOTO: WE SAT ON THE BRIDGE During the summers, when our father was not teaching, he worked at various jobs. When we lived at Dayville he worked at a service station. It had a room with a…
CATEGORY: EARLY CHILDHOOD PHOTO: RUBBER DOLL FROM THE 1930's Somewhere in the mountains above Dayville, we lived near a saw mill where there were gigantic hills of saw dust. It was a place where we lived in the summer time…
CATEGORY: EARLY CHILDHOODPHOTO: OLD SILVIES SCHOOL HOUSE OLD SILVIES SCHOOL As the Depression got worse, our father moved to smaller and smaller schools. The last of these was a one room school at Silvies, a tiny town in a wondrously…