Through the years of my adult life, I took part in various kinds of therapy, all of them beneficial.
Through the years of my adult life, I took part in various kinds of therapy, all of them beneficial.
Relax. Let your mind drift any place it wants to go. Then examine how you FEEL about that thing. Then “let yourself feel it until it manifests into some kind of noise or action. Let the noise or action continue…
My trip into Jungian psychology and similar fields seemed tied up with houses.
There were many different kinds of therapies available in Port Townsend. Sometimes I would buck up my courage and give one a try. The most interesting that I did was called Body Electronics.
I kept remembering the past-life experience of the American Indian life and death I had re-lived during Body Electronics. I wondered if it could possibly be true, or if it was some kind of hallucination.
There is another kind of therapy in which the therapist sits beside you while you breathe very short fast breaths through the mouth. It was called “Rebirthing.”
A friend, Alby Baker, asked me to go with him to the Robert Jaffe School in Sedona Arizona for what he called “aura therapy”. I had gone through enough therapy by then that I felt I really didn’t need any…